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The Penthouse: War in Life OST (SBS TV Drama)
  • The Penthouse: War in Life OST (SBS TV Drama)

The Penthouse: War in Life OST (SBS TV Drama)

Label: Dreamus

Release Date: 2021.09.28

Format: CD

Number of Discs: 2

Weight: 20



The Penthouse: War in Life OST (SBS TV Drama)



1. 되풀이_임창정

2. 이게 바로 나야_임창정

3. 늪_ 이예준

4. 펜트하우스 (Season 2&3 Ver.)

5. 아찔하게 높고 아득하게 먼 그곳 (Season 2&3 Ver.)

6. 반격의 서막

7. 복수는 이제부터다

8. 끝을 모르는 욕망

9. 공공의 악인

10. 빼앗기고도 울지 못하는 사람

11. 야누스의 두 얼굴

12. 악녀

13. 혼란스러운 기억

14. 죽어야만 나갈 수 있는 곳

15. 숨겨진 그 날의 진실

16. 내가 살아가는 이유

17. 가난한 모녀

18. 리틀 헤라클럽


1. Good Bye_XIA(준수)

2. Let me be_백지영

3. 영원한 듯 찬란한 순간

4. 무뎌진 진실은 어디에 (Season 2&3 Ver.)

5. 진실과 거짓

6. 사업 파트너

7. 불행을 위한 행복

8. 그거 자격지심이야

9. 그곳에서 벌어지고 있는 일

10. 조용한 전쟁

11. 의혹

12. 살인계획

13. 눈이 먼 광기

14. 타락한 마음

15. 팽팽한 긴장

16. 악 트리오

17. 순조로운 작전 진행

18. 잃어버린 자아

19. 불길한 예감

20. 저급한 음모

21. 목표를 쟁취하기 위한 기 싸움

22. 욕망하는 여자

23. 구호동과 로건리

24. 정체불명의 여성

25. 돌이킬 수 없는 과오

The SBS drama "Penthouse" has come to an end after three seasons.

The 'Penthouse' OST album is now available, with a collection of luxury songs that lIVE up to its reputation!

Pre-sale starting September 6th!

- From the OST composed of famous artists to the BGM that added immersion to the drama!

- The official BGM that can only be heard on the 'Penthouse OST' album, which can't be heard anywhere else!

- A 68-page booklet with images of the drama, the official pOSTer of 'Penthouse', lenticular photo cards of the main actors, a DIY pop-up book with the 'Penthouse' Village, and a 'Penthouse' version of the 'Coordinating Sticker Set' are all collectibles that you can't get anywhere else!

The official OST album of the drama 'Penthouse', which TOOk the drama throne from 2020 to 2021 in terms of ratings and topicality from season 1 to season 3 with breathtaking shocking twists and turns, is now available.

The official OST album of "Penthouse" is released to appease fans who are saddened by the end of the drama.

From the BGMs that made the drama even more immersIVE by appearing in the crowning moments of the drama to the official OST with famous singers, you can now listen to them all in one place.

Starting with "Repeat" and "This is me," sung by singer Lim Chang-jung, who is a "luxury balladeer," to "Swamp," featuring Lee Ye-joon's explosIVE vocal performance, "Good Bye" by Kim Jun-soo, who is also known as a "Penthouse" fan, and "Let me be," the finale song that wrapped up all seasons of "Penthouse," featuring OST queen Baek Ji-young, there is not a single song on the Penthouse 2&3 OST that you can miss. The album also includes performances that can only be heard on this album for the first time, making it even more special.

In addition, a 68-page booklet with photos of famous scenes from the drama and the official poster of 'Penthouse' are included, as well as one random lenticular photo card of the main actors of 'Penthouse' and one random photo card of famous scenes of the actors who appeared as 'Penthouse Kids'. In addition, a DIY pop-up book of the 'Penthouse Village' consisting of major buildings in the drama, such as 'Hera Palace', 'CheongAyeGo', and 'MariTANg', and a 'Penthouse' version of the 'Coordinating Sticker Set' are included to enhance the collectible value.

The "Penthouse OST" will be available at online and offline stores nationwide from September 24, making it the perfect gift for fans who are sad to see "Penthouse" go.


1. 68p booklet with OST lyrics and famous scenes from the drama

2. Penthouse Village DIY Pop-up Book

3. Coordinating sticker set

4. 9 lenticular photo cards of the main cast, randomly selected from among them

5. 6 types of Penthouse Kids Photo Card

6. official mini-pOSTer (included in the album)


Specific References


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