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Paul Kim - 3rd Mini Album Star
  • Paul Kim - 3rd Mini Album Star

Paul Kim - 3rd Mini Album Star

Label: Kakao Entertainment

Release Date: 2022.06.15

Format: CD

Number of Discs: 1

Weight: 16

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Paul Kim - 3rd Mini Album Star


1. Star

2. One More Time

3. 재수 좋은 날

4. Something Special

5. 돛단배

Paul Kim 3nd EP 'Star'

01 Star

There are times when I'm afraid to go on stage.

In those moments when I was scared enough to want to gIVE up and thought it was all over, a small light shining in the distance felt like a guardian star protecting me, and it helped me get back on my feet.

I hope that when time passes and you're no longer the person you are today, and you have moments when you're so tired of life that you just want to collapse into a ball, that you can close your eyes and lean on that beautiful memory.

02 One More Time

There are many days when my efforts feel insufficient compared to the efforts of others.

When everything seems to be a mess and I can't do anything about it, I think of someone who gIVEs me strength.

I realize that everyone needs a place to hide.

I take a moment to breathe and find the courage to step out.

Because we are never alone.

03 A lucky day

It's all in the mind, I guess.

When you're feeling like hell, you blame everything on circumsTANces, but then you look back and wonder if you jumped into the fire yourself.

Of course, it would have been better if I hadn't, but beating myself up doesn't change anything.

It's a shift in thinking, and it seems more progressIVE to look for the good rather than dwell on the bad. Of course, I'm still a moth to the flame...

04 Something Special

Do you ever wish you could maximize your emotions when you express them?

A shy 'hi' from a friend you haven't seen in a long time is nice, but I want to hear a 'really awesome really crazy hi' more than I can control.

I used to think that this is what adults do, but now that I'm in my mid-30s, I'm nOSTalgic for those gestures of affection.

05 sailing on a Dot Dan BoAt

sailing on a Dot Dan Bae

* Album Specifications

- CD : 1 type

- Photobook : 1 type (64p)

- Voice Mail Card : Insert 1 random out of 2 types

- Pop-Up Card & Sticker : 1 type inserted

- Double Side POSTer : 1 insert (Folded)


Specific References

